What you need?
1) Java JDK
2) cq5-author-p4502.jar and a valid licence.properties file
3) Maven
4) Eclipse with below plugins
- maven
- vlt
- aem dev tools
- sling for eclipse
- sling for eclipse
1) Install JDK
2) Install AEM:
- Double click on the cq5-author-p4502.jar file, it opens a window as below
- After installation, it automatically opens http://localhost:4502/libs/granite/core/content/login.html page in your browser. It take some time to install and start your aem application for the first time.
- Please sign in with default credentials: - username : admin/password: admin
4)Install Eclipse:
- Download latest eclipse version from https://eclipse.org/downloads/ and install.
Launch Eclipse and
- Click on Help on the menu bar
- Click on Eclipse Marketplace...
- Type Maven find box in search tab and enter
- Scroll down the list to find Maven Integration for eclipse(Juno or newer)
- Click Install
- Click Confirm
6) Install Eclipse Plugins:
Lauch Eclipse and
- Click on Help
- Install New Software
- Download and install following plugins
- Sling for Eclipse - http://apache.mirrors.lucidnetworks.net/sling/eclipse
- AEM dev Tools - http://eclipse.adobe.com/aem/dev-tools/
- Locate a FileVault zip file in the folder /crx-quickstart/opt/filevault/filevault.zip
- Extract the zip file
- Add ...\bin\ folder of the FileVault location to the environment variables.
- Add that variable to the environment PATH so that the command files vlt or vlt.bat are accessed as appropriate.